Download Prototype 2 RADNET Access Pack Windows10


Download Prototype 2 + RADNET Access Pack for Windows 10
Download Prototype 2 + RADNET Access Pack for Windows 10


Prototype 2 (stylized as [PROTOTYPE2]) is a 2012 action-adventure video game developed by Radical Entertainment and published by Activision, and the sequel to 2009's Prototype. First announced at the 2010 Spike VGA Awards, it was released in April 2012 for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, and in July 2012 for Microsoft Windows.

In July 2015, the game was re-released alongside its predecessor as the Prototype Biohazard Bundle for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Separate versions of the two games became available in August 2015. Prototype 2 shifts the focus towards a new protagonist, former U.S. Marine Sergeant James Heller, who seeks revenge on Alex Mercer, the protagonist of the original Prototype, after the death of his family during a new outbreak of the Blacklight virus in Manhattan, which was started by Mercer. Heller is infected with a strain of the virus that allows him to keep his humanity while granting him powers similar to Mercer's, including shapeshifting and consuming people, which he uses in his mission to stop Mercer and the Blacklight outbreak.


Prototype 2 + RADNET Access Pack for Windows 10 Prototype 2 + RADNET Access Pack for Windows 10 Prototype 2 + RADNET Access Pack for Windows 10 Prototype 2 + RADNET Access Pack for Windows 10 Prototype 2 + RADNET Access Pack for Windows 10 Prototype 2 + RADNET Access Pack for Windows 10




  • OS: Windows® XP / Vista / 7
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.6GHz, AMD Phenom X3 8750
  • Memory: 2 GB
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT with 512 MB RAM, ATI Radeon HD 4850 with 512 MB RAM
  • Storage: 10 GB
  • DirectX: 9.0


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  • Zip: 9,84 GB
  • Unzip: 9,84 GB


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Download links:

Prototype_2_VKGAME.part*.rar Google Drive


How to download?

In the "DOWNLOAD:" section, find "Download links:", then click on the cloud download button.

If you get stuck, read this: Here

How to use?

Step 1: Extract .rar file by WinRAR software

Step 2: Open the file "VKGAME", it is "VKGAME.txt", read and follow the instructions

Step 3: Enjoy!, most games are pre-installed, just unzip and run .exe file.

Does it have a virus?

Although we cannot guarantee 100%, we use installation files from trusted sources.

We definitely don't add viruses to our files, always keep Windows Defender antivirus on

Can it run on Windows 10/11?

All the games on this site work on Windows 10, which is why this site was created.

Not sure about Windows 11, but don't worry, it's not too different, so it might still work.

Where can I ask for support?

You can ask questions on this website by leaving a comment, or contact me via Facebook message: Here


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