Download Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition for Windows 10


Download Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition for Windows 10
Download Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition for Windows 10


Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition is a remastered version of Sleeping Dogs. The game runs at native 1080p and features many graphical improvements, gameplay tweaks over the original game, as well as all of the extra content (DLC) from the original. Unlike the original, where all DLC are accessed at any point in the game, Definitive Edition unlocks the DLCs once the player reaches their respective plots.


Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition for Windows 10 Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition for Windows 10 Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition for Windows 10 Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition for Windows 10 Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition for Windows 10 Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition for Windows 10




  • OS: Windows Vista 64bit, Window 7 64bit, Windows 8 64bit (32bit O/S not supported)
  • Processor: Core 2 Duo 2.4GHz or Athlon X2 2.7GHz
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: ATI Radeon 3870 or higher, NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT or higher with 512MB graphics memory, Intel HD Graphics 2500 or higher
  • Storage: 20 GB available space
  • DirectX: Version 10


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  • Zip: 9,99 GB
  • Unzip: 16,5 GB


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Download links:

Sleeping_Dogs_Definitive_Edition_VKGAME.part*.rar Google Drive


How to download?

In the "DOWNLOAD:" section, find "Download links:", then click on the cloud download button.

If you get stuck, read this: Here

How to use?

Step 1: Extract .rar file by WinRAR software

Step 2: Open the file "VKGAME", it is "VKGAME.txt", read and follow the instructions

Step 3: Enjoy!, most games are pre-installed, just unzip and run .exe file.

Does it have a virus?

Although we cannot guarantee 100%, we use installation files from trusted sources.

We definitely don't add viruses to our files, always keep Windows Defender antivirus on

Can it run on Windows 10/11?

All the games on this site work on Windows 10, which is why this site was created.

Not sure about Windows 11, but don't worry, it's not too different, so it might still work.

Where can I ask for support?

You can ask questions on this website by leaving a comment, or contact me via Facebook message: Here


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1 comentário

  1. No problem, enjoy it <3
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